BTG’s signature managed back-up and disaster recovery service.
Tried and tested
Our Disaster Recovery has been powering BTG clients since 2007. When disaster strikes, we ensure your company’s systems are up and running in no time! We understand to survive in business today requires minimal downtime.
Prevent loss of revenue
Your company is entirely dependent on the management, operation and administration of IT infrastructure to conduct business on a daily basis. In the event of a disaster, this core part of your enterprise needs to be back on in the shortest period possible to prevent the loss of revenue.
Back it all up
Our software imaging technology backs up everything that constitutes the make up of the server.
Fireproof and secure
Backups are collected by the Disaster Recovery team and transported to a fireproof, secure facility for easy extraction, or sent across a WAN to the Disaster Recovery’s cloud node.
Know your back up status
The Disaster Recovery has a reporting suite designed to keep you informed on your back up status.
Software imaging included
Access to the software imaging system is a requirement for the Disaster Recovery service, and is therefore included in a monthly fee.
Proven And NZ owned
The Disaster Recovery service provides a proven structure and process to ensure your business continuity. We are a NZ business dealing with NZ customers.
Why choose BTG
Fine tuned disaster recovery
BTG have significantly invested many ‘man hours’ in the fine tuning of a backup and server recovery process that is highly effective, developed in-house by BTG engineers, and operational for the past 5 years. The verdict – a very efficient, accurate and fast methodology that provides results!
Get your back up sorted today
Ensure business continuity with BTG’s Disaster Recovery designed to keep you up and running, preventing loss of revenue.