Cyber Security NZ, Cyber Security provider NZ, Cyber security Auckland


From malware, spamming, and phishing to DDoS attacks, firewall breaches, and antivirus vulnerabilities, these are the common cyber threats we often encounter.

Cyber Security Auckland, Cyber Security Tauranga, Cyber Security Christchurch

Whether you are a small or medium size business, we recognise the individuality of each business.  We acknowledge the necessity for custom-designed cybersecurity solutions that effectively address the unique threats present in your business. Our top-of-the-line range of cybersecurity solutions caters to your specific needs, offering everything from fundamental support to comprehensive security management, ensuring continuous protection at every moment.

Although cyber security can be perceived as highly complex, it is essential to prioritise the basics. Our popular cyber security checklist Get the Basics Right curated by our security experts highlights the essential security measures necessary for your business to maintain seamless operations.


Security Logging and Monitoring

Monitor 365

Experience peace of mind with our around-the-clock monitoring solution, ensuring continuous surveillance of your systems. Our vigilant team promptly investigates any signs of suspicious activity or event logs for swift response and resolution with our in-house solution, Monitor365 which integrates with your Microsoft 365. Learn more.

Email Security

Email remains the most popular attack mechanism for malware, social engineering attacks and fraudulent requests. Our advanced email security managed service helps defend most threats from ever reaching your servers even with customisations that suit your requirements. Learn more.

Privileged Access Management (PAM)

Our PAM solution enhances cyber security by removing permanent administrative access and implementing the principle of least privilege. This mitigates the risk of compromised credentials, excessive rights provisioning, and lateral movement attacks while improving visibility into administrative access for better security management.

Endpoint Detection and Response

SecuritySafeguarding online and offline endpoints, our solution employs a comprehensive and validated defence strategy that effectively defends against both malware and malware-free attacks whether they are new or existing threats both on machine and cloud-based protection mechanisms. Learn more.

Website Application Firewall

Our solution provides robust protection for online transactions and client data. With rising cybercrime incidents, it safeguards your online business from fraud and data theft by inspecting and blocking malicious traffic, ensuring enhanced security and performance through its global cloud platform. Learn more.


Our data backup service ensures the safety, security and recoverability of your data in case of a disaster. We protect against accidental deletion, security threats, and retention policy gaps, utilising local cloud storage for faster and more frequent backups with minimal disruption to your organisation.  Learn more.

Managed Firewall

Firewall protection

Our secure and customisable firewall solutions offer robust protection against unauthorised access, ensuring the safety and integrity of your systems and data. Our certified analysts handle access controls, upgrades, and patches across your devices, with continuous monitoring and threat response relieving the burden of firewall management. Learn more.

Cyber Security Awareness Training

It is critical to create an environment where your team understands their role in helping protect the business from cyber security threats. Our training and awareness programme uses real-world simulated phishing attacks to help protect you from ransomware, phishing and other types of cyber-attacks. Learn more.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Don’t make it easy for hackers. Our MFA adds a vital security layer to safeguard your critical accounts either through a password manager or a phishing-resistant hardware authenticator. Learn more here and here.

Security Assessment and Consulting

Not sure how to start? We offer a comprehensive cyber security health check conducted by our experienced security experts with over 15 years of industry experience. Gain valuable insights and recommendations to strengthen your organisation’s security posture and protect against emerging threats. Learn more.

Contact us if you would like to discuss your business cyber security needs with our team of experts.