The challenge – 24/7 reliance on IT.
For a business like Shorecare – biggest A&M clinic on the North Shore, Auckland – 24 hours, 7 days a week in operation means they rely heavily on an IT platform to support their business with zero downtime.
“Shorecare couldn’t have carried on with this ‘band aid’ approach to IT, and a complete overhaul was needed.”
Managing expectations
Just prior to July 2010 BTG was recommended to the then CEO of Shorecare because of these ongoing IT performance and stability issues. BTG was quick to review, engage with the business and make recommendations. Prior to this, Shorecare had spoken to two other external service providers. However, with both of them after a few months it was evident that things were not moving forward as they should and Shorecare was still experiencing serious system issues.
“BTG wanted to understand our business, where the other two companies we went to didn’t. They had wanted to know: ‘What do you want this to do / not do?’. Whereas BTG asked: ‘Why do you want to do this? What’s the benefit to the patients?’ That way they had a total understanding of our business”
Solution – from consulting to 24/7 support
Most businesses aspire to grow. However, with that growth comes more complexity, especially when IT is involved. A full suite of BTG services was utilised to achieve an environment within Shorecare where smooth workflow ensued, and staff felt supported and confident. This included; Consulting, Design and Implementation, and Managed Services.
This is a case in point where the combination of remote Virtual IT and fully available engineering staff can replace the need for businesses to house their own IT departments. For one, companies can draw on a full skill set and just ‘get on with the job at hand’ without concern of feeling exposed when their one skilled person is away sick.
Results – 24/7 reliability
24 hours, 7 days a week means just that! Shorecare have been able to relieve themselves from all of their prior issues – system rebuilds, servers going down, etc, and concentrate on patient care and the core of their business. BTG are on call 24/7.
“BTG ‘are there’ when they need to be. They are remote and on call when they need to be. They don’t just do the job and say, we’ll call you next week. And if there’s a problem, they are available – through the night.”
Moving a 24/7 operation is not easy! On 5th November 2010 BTG worked alongside Shorecare through the night to ensure that the Shakespeare Road facility system closed at 8am and simultaneously opened at 8am at Smales Farm.
“Very impressive! We had no problems”
BTG maintains a maintenance relationship with Shorecare, and values the integrity and immediacy of the 24/7 operation.